Current Harvard students: The Slade Lab is open to having Harvard undergraduates and graduate students perform research rotations in the lab or join lab meetings. To get information on lab meeting times and locations email Roisin Dowling ( to get added to the mailing list. We request students to commit to at least 10 hours per week for 2 semesters or a full time summer research position. If interested, please fill out this google form.
PhD student admission: The Slade Lab will be admitting PhD students this year. Due to the volume of requests, I won’t be able to meet individually before reviewing applications. Please do not contact existing members of the lab, their priority is focusing on their studies. Prospective graduate students should apply directly through the Harvard SEAS program (any engineering or computer science area can be admitted to our group) or the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology.
External students interested in research rotations, please fill out this form.
The Slade Lab is looking for postdocs to lead exciting new exoskeleton and wearable sensing projects! If you are interested, please email with a brief statement about why you are passionate about mobility and attach your CV. Please use the email subject: Postdoc Applicant Interested in Slade Lab.